原因短語 |
說明 |
AppOffline |
出現(xiàn)服務不可用錯誤 (HTTP 錯誤 503)。該服務不可用,因為應用程序錯誤導致應用程序脫機。 |
AppPoolTimer |
出現(xiàn)服務不可用錯誤 (HTTP 錯誤 503)。該服務不可用,因為應用程序池過程太忙,無法處理請求。 |
AppShutdown |
出現(xiàn)服務不可用錯誤 (HTTP 錯誤 503)。該服務不可用,因為該應用程序關閉自動以管理員策略響應。 |
BadRequest |
處理請求時出現(xiàn)分析錯誤。 |
Connection_Abandoned_By_AppPool |
從該應用程序池工作進程已意外退出或關閉其句柄的孤立待定的請求。 |
Connection_Abandoned_By_ReqQueue |
從該應用程序池工作進程已意外退出或關閉其句柄的孤立待定的請求。特定于 Windows Vista 和 Windows Server 2008。 |
Connection_Dropped |
服務器可以發(fā)送其最終的響應數(shù)據包之前,客戶端和服務器之間連接被關閉。此行為的最常見的原因是客戶端過早關閉其連接到服務器。 |
Connection_Dropped_List_Full |
被刪除客戶端和服務器之間的連接的列表已滿。特定于 Windows Vista 和 Windows Server 2008。 |
ConnLimit |
出現(xiàn)服務不可用錯誤 (HTTP 錯誤 503)。該服務不可用,因為已達到或超過了在站點級別的連接限制。 |
Connections_Refused |
內核非頁面池(NonPagedPool) 內存已少于 20 MB ,http.sys 已停止接收新的連接 |
Disabled |
出現(xiàn)服務不可用錯誤 (HTTP 錯誤 503)。該服務不可用,因為管理員已脫機應用程序。 |
EntityTooLarge |
實體超出所允許的最大大小。 |
FieldLength |
超出了字段長度限制。 |
Forbidden |
分析時遇到了一個被禁止的元素或序列。 |
Header |
在標題中出現(xiàn)分析錯誤。 |
Hostname |
處理一個主機名時出現(xiàn)分析錯誤。 |
Internal |
發(fā)生了內部服務器錯誤 (HTTP 錯誤 500)。 |
Invalid_CR/lf |
發(fā)生一個非法回車或換行。 |
LengthRequired |
缺少所需的長度值。 |
N/A |
服務不可用時出錯 (HTTP 錯誤 503)。由于出現(xiàn)內部錯誤 (如內存分配故障),該服務不可用。 |
N / i |
一個不實現(xiàn)時,出現(xiàn)了錯誤 (HTTP 錯誤 501),或服務不可用錯誤 (HTTP 錯誤 503) 由于未知的傳輸編碼。 |
Number |
處理數(shù)字時出現(xiàn)分析錯誤。 |
Precondition |
缺少所需的前提條件。 |
QueueFull |
出現(xiàn)服務不可用錯誤 (HTTP 錯誤 503)。該服務不可用,因為應用程序請求隊列已滿。 |
RequestLength |
超出了請求長度限制。 |
Timer_AppPool |
連接因為在程序池隊列中到期請求等候處理的時間太長已過期,此超時持續(xù)時間為 連接超時。默認狀態(tài)下,此值設置為兩分鐘。 |
Timer_ConnectionIdle |
連接已過期,并保持空閑。默認 連接超時 持續(xù)時間為兩分鐘。 |
Timer_EntityBody |
連接過期之前到達請求實體正文。當清除一個請求有一個實體正文 HTTP API 打開 Timer_EntityBody 計時器。最初,此計時器的限制設置為 連接超時 值 (通常為 2 分鐘)。在此的請求接收到另一種數(shù)據表示每次 HTTP API 重置計時器賦予連接兩分鐘 (或在 $ ConnectionTimeout 中指定的任何內容)。 |
Timer_HeaderWait |
連接已過期因為標頭分析請求所花費更多的時間超過兩分鐘的默認限制。 |
Timer_MinBytesPerSecond |
連接已過期因為客戶端不接收響應以合理的速度。響應發(fā)送率不低于 240 字節(jié)/秒的默認值。 |
Timer_ReqQueue |
連接已過期因為請求等待在應用程序池隊列的服務器應用程序將出列時間太長。此超時持續(xù)時間為 連接超時。默認狀態(tài)下,此值設置為兩分鐘。特定于 Windows Vista 和 Windows Server 2008。 |
Timer_Response |
保留。當前未使用。 |
處理 URL 時出現(xiàn)分析錯誤。 |
URL_Length |
URL 超過了允許大小的最大值。 |
Verb |
處理謂詞時出現(xiàn)分析錯誤。 |
Version_N/s |
在版本不支持時出錯 (HTTP 錯誤 505)。 |
Reason Phrase |
Description |
AppOffline |
A service unavailable error occurred (an HTTP error 503). The service is not available because application errors caused the application to be taken offline. |
AppPoolTimer |
A service unavailable error occurred (an HTTP error 503). The service is not available because the application pool process is too busy to handle the request. |
AppShutdown |
A service unavailable error occurred (an HTTP error 503). The service is not available because the application shut down automatically in response to administrator policy. |
BadRequest |
A parse error occurred while processing a request. |
Connection_Abandoned_By_AppPool |
A worker process from the application pool has quit unexpectedly or orphaned a pending request by closing its handle. |
Connection_Abandoned_By_ReqQueue |
A worker process from the application pool has quit unexpectedly or orphaned a pending request by closing its handle. Specific to Windows |
Connection_Dropped |
The connection between the client and the server was closed before the server could send its final response packet. The most common cause of this behavior is that the client prematurely closes its connection to the server. |
Connection_Dropped_List_Full |
The list of dropped connections between clients and the server is full. Specific to Windows |
ConnLimit |
A service unavailable error occurred (an HTTP error 503). The service is not available because the site level connection limit has been reached or exceeded. |
Connections_Refused |
The kernel NonPagedPool memory has dropped below 20MB and http.sys has stopped receiving new connections |
Disabled |
A service unavailable error occurred (an HTTP error 503). The service is not available because an administrator has taken the application offline. |
EntityTooLarge |
An entity exceeded the maximum size that is permitted. |
FieldLength |
A field length limit was exceeded. |
Forbidden |
A forbidden element or sequence was encountered while parsing. |
Header |
A parse error occurred in a header. |
Hostname |
A parse error occurred while processing a Hostname. |
Internal |
An internal server error occurred (an HTTP error 500). |
Invalid_CR/LF |
An illegal carriage return or line feed occurred. |
LengthRequired |
A required length value was missing. |
N/A |
A service unavailable error occurred (an HTTP error 503). The service is not available because an internal error (such as a memory allocation failure) occurred. |
N/I |
A not-implemented error occurred (an HTTP error 501), or a service unavailable error occurred (an HTTP error 503) because of an unknown transfer encoding. |
Number |
A parse error occurred while processing a number. |
Precondition |
A required precondition was missing. |
QueueFull |
A service unavailable error occurred (an HTTP error 503). The service is not available because the application request queue is full. |
RequestLength |
A request length limit was exceeded. |
Timer_AppPool |
The connection expired because a request waited too long in an application pool queue for a server application to dequeue and process it. This timeout duration is ConnectionTimeout. By default, this value is set to two minutes. |
Timer_ConnectionIdle |
The connection expired and remains idle. The default ConnectionTimeout duration is two minutes. |
Timer_EntityBody |
The connection expired before the request entity body arrived. When it is clear that a request has an entity body, the HTTP API turns on the Timer_EntityBody timer. Initially, the limit of this timer is set to the ConnectionTimeout value (typically 2 minutes). Each time another data indication is received on this request, the HTTP API resets the timer to give the connection two more minutes (or whatever is specified in ConnectionTimeout). |
Timer_HeaderWait |
The connection expired because the header parsing for a request took more time than the default limit of two minutes. |
Timer_MinBytesPerSecond |
The connection expired because the client was not receiving a response at a reasonable speed. The response send rate was slower than the default of 240 bytes/sec. |
Timer_ReqQueue |
The connection expired because a request waited too long in an application pool queue for a server application to dequeue. This timeout duration is ConnectionTimeout. By default, this value is set to two minutes. Specific to Windows |
Timer_Response |
Reserved. Not currently used. |
A parse error occurred while processing a URL. |
URL_Length |
A URL exceeded the maximum permitted size. |
Verb |
A parse error occurred while processing a verb. |
Version_N/S |
A version-not-supported error occurred (an HTTP error 505). |
注冊表值 |
說明 |
EnableErrorLogging |
DWORD 您可以設置為 TRUE 來啟用錯誤日志記錄或 FALSE 禁用它。默認值為 TRUE。 |
ErrorLogFileTruncateSize |
一個 dword 值,指定一個錯誤日志文件的最大大小以字節(jié)為單位)。 默認值為 1 MB (0x100000)。 |
ErrorLoggingDir |
一個 字符串,用于指定 HTTP API 將其日志記錄的文件放入該文件夾。 |